Large limb... on the ground..
By Lori

7 Aug, 2017
Poplar are not my favourite trees... they seem to die from the top down. This huge branch split near the trunk and is pulling the 60 ft. tree down into the stream.
Comments on this photo
LoL... that gave me a bit of a smile! They are messy. We had cottonwoods in town. They are a relative and their bud covers had a sticky sweet gum which used to get caught in Mandy's paws. they are sticky and irritating when attached to a bare foot too. The only other tree that I'm not fond of is the Ash... seedlings everywhere and once they're established you must pull them by the roots.
I have my own chainsaw, 3d. I'll have to do some tree surgery. At present I'm working in the forest trying to remove as much as I can of the deadfalls and lost branches. The storm we had earlier in the season knocked over the three large poplars on the hill, and dropped them among more valuable trees, damaging them. The forest has not had a good summer because of the worms in the spring. It could have been a proper disaster if we had not had the rain. It takes until August for the leaf cover to return...and then we start with cold nights that trigger abscission in September. I'm praying that our winter will be snowy and not too cold for too long. This past May was a nightmare. Temps near freezing at night for the first two weeks of the month caused loss of blossom on fruit and nut trees. No black walnuts this year and no beechnuts either.. the squirrels will be very hungry this winter.
8 Aug, 2017
I am happy I bought a smile to your face Lori. ☺
That's horrible that it got stuck in Mandy s paw poor thing we have trees here that release a sticky sap which ruins paint work on cars if they park under them but it has a plus if one over hangs your privit hedge it slows the growth down which saves clipping the hedge so often they now sell it for that purpose.
I have Ash tree s next door so I know what you mean Lori also a rare one over hangs my garden and another massive tree with helicopter seeds thousands all over my garden terrible to get out and difficult to find in amongst my all my plants and it's a smallish garden . I had grass but their trees and leaves killed that. I am seriously thinking of getting rid of all my plants I 've already had all my front garden plants dug out because of the leaves and seeds.
I wish I had a chain saw and able you are a clever lady and daring to use one.
Such a shame your valuable trees got damaged by the dead fall of the storm . We have a bad storm arriving here hurricane storm I 've just been informed by my sister I dread it so I feel for you.
I hope your forest get s a good summer next year. The weather now is so unpredictable I blame all this building as it does affect weather. Good that you had rain then . I hope you get a good winter to I can t bare the cold any more it goes straight to my bones and can hardly move being so stiff I hope we dont get like you 've had any more terrible you had it so cold in May
Yes it's a shame for the wild life which will suffer through lack of food . I was always told by men on the allotments years ago Plums do best if we get a real cold winter.
8 Aug, 2017
Hmmm... that's a good idea. perhaps I should look for some Damson plums. I think they're the only ones that could establish in my climate zone. I have five young black walnut seedlings in pots. Last summer we had a little squirrel with a stumpy tail who buried her nuts in my flower beds..all over the yard... and this season she's gone...but I'm harvesting her efforts. I'm trying to figure out the best place for a grove of nut trees ..and a grove of apple trees (which I already have)..and a grove of plums, too, perhaps?
I think I'll wander up to where I've been working and post some pics of the mess I'm contending with. I don't think I'm particularly brave, my friend, just have no other choice but to do it myself. (it must be done, so that we have fuel this winter.)
8 Aug, 2017
Yes good idea Lori your walnut seedlings sound s good it would be lovely to have a walnut grove and apples grove. Awe cute having a squirrel shame it s gone but at least it's left you little nuts for you.
I shall look forward to your photos.
9 Aug, 2017
That is a shame that will be difficult weight wise to move if it falls in the stream will some one cut it up for you Lori.
I don't like Popular trees either as the old wives tales say it's unlucky to do your trusting (courting) near Popular trees from my experience it's very true.
8 Aug, 2017