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Some sort of eggs in the garden

Some sort of eggs in the garden

Yesterday, in my attempt to scare off the voles I have attacting my front garden, I came across these just under the surface. Hubby thinks they may be wasps or ground bees eggs.

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I have no idea...but would be interested to know.

11 Aug, 2017


Could they be slug or snail eggs? I think they look like this.

11 Aug, 2017


Just Googled snail eggs and I think you are right Waddy. Went on the images and tapped one and the heading for it was about how snail eggs are making it into cookbooks :-(. Called it "White Caviar". Maybe I should have got the bread out and toasted it. Anyone for an Hors d'oeuvre lol

11 Aug, 2017



11 Aug, 2017


Bleugh! :(

12 Aug, 2017


Lol, I'm with you 2 on that one!

12 Aug, 2017


As I read your reply I reacted exactly like disgusting can you get?

12 Aug, 2017


I did offer hubby a try but he turned me down lol. They went in the bin. :-).

12 Aug, 2017


Best place for them...did you squash them first?

13 Aug, 2017


Yes I did! Thinking at lease thats a few less snails in my garden. Oh checked new trap this morning that hubby bought yesterday, and we have caught one :-) :-), !!!!!! Released it down the road. One vole gone.

13 Aug, 2017


Brilliant!!! I hope you released it a long way off...don't want it finding its way home!

13 Aug, 2017


Oh yes, way down the road. :-)

14 Aug, 2017



16 Aug, 2017

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