Pinkish white mystery flower
By Pamelaanne
- 12 Aug, 2017
- 1 like
Comments on this photo
Thank you Hywel, I will have to look up what type of begonia though, or ask on the other section here when I get around to doing that. Isn't it nice though :)
12 Aug, 2017
Yes it's very pretty. It looks like a tuberous begonia. If you dig a bit with your finger around the base of the stems you'll probably find it.
12 Aug, 2017
I mean the name of the specific plant like the other one I have is Glowing Embers. But still interesting to know about tuberous, even though I am a bit ignorant about what else there is and what it all means :D
12 Aug, 2017
Oh I see ... sorry I can't help you there :) I hope someone else will know.
12 Aug, 2017
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This photo is of "Begonia pink and white" in Pamelaanne's garden
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Begonia :)
12 Aug, 2017