By Bathgate
- 22 Aug, 2017
Comments on this photo
yes, unusual. I heard they were toxic.
22 Aug, 2017
Yes you are right I found this for you.
Poisoning can occur where buttercups are abundant in overgrazed fields where little other edible plant growth is left, and the animals eat them out of desperation. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, excessive salivation, colic, and severe blistering of the mouth, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract.
We have a weed here I have forgot the name it was in a letter warning when I first moved in this house even by touch it seeps into the skin and destroys the digestion system in humans.
22 Aug, 2017
This isn't what we call a buttercup here. In Britain a buttercup is Ranunculus. This is Hypericum and this is the species we call Rose of Sharon here.
Rose of Sharon is a different plant in America.
I prefer to keep to the botanical names which are the same all over the world :)
23 Aug, 2017
Thanks for clearing up the confusion. I have another tree called 'Rose of Sharon' and it's not this. It's a hibiscus. Good point to stay with the botanical names.
23 Aug, 2017
Thanks ... We just call Hibiscus, Hibiscus lol
It can be confusing. A Bluebell in Scotland is Campanula rotundifolia, but here that is called a Harebell.
A Bluebell here is Hyacinthoides non-scripta, a totally different plant.
23 Aug, 2017
I wonder how these names come about. I've had a few heated discussions about how to grow 'Rose of Sharon'. We could never agree on anything. Turns out we were talking about 2 different kinds of plants.
23 Aug, 2017
That's why I prefer the botanical names :)
23 Aug, 2017
They made a liar out of me! drats!
23 Aug, 2017
No you're not a liar. 'Common' names differ according to the country or region. So in America it's correct to call Hypericum 'Rose of Sharon' etc.
23 Aug, 2017
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Pretty are nt they .
22 Aug, 2017