Bloom of Aloe tongaensis up close.
By Stan510

31 Oct, 2017
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I think this was planted around 2003.
Comments on this photo
They open a bit more,get more reddish orange too. I couldn't wait!
2 Nov, 2017
Sounds lovely Stan I bet you could nt wait either is it the first time it has flowered.
3 Nov, 2017
Its been three years since its last flowering. Disease and my then hoping it would grow out of it. That did not happen. I treated it finally with a systemic in early 2015 I think it was,and its been doing better slowly ever since.
3 Nov, 2017
So plessed you have at last sorted it Stan flowering once in three years is some thing to look forward to..
3 Nov, 2017
Great close up Stan nice colour to do they open or stay like this.
1 Nov, 2017