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Tiarella "Foam Flower" Early spring wildflower


By Lori

Tiarella "Foam Flower" Early spring wildflower

JITP, (arisaema) the centre.

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Wow Lori, is your JITP the father of mine :)
Tiarella looks great, does it spread well? If so how does it spread? Thank you

4 Mar, 2018


could well be, Dawn. I took the seed pod from that area. There are 5-6 JITP in that little area. Tiarella cordifolia, is also known as foam flower. It's a Saxifrage. blooms in May; likes good drainage with lots of humusy, rich, moisture retentive soil; but, it doesn't like wet feet, especially in winter. It spreads easily and rapidly from stolons. forms clumps and has no serious insect or disease problems. It's also called "False Mitrewort" because of it's resemblance to that plant, but it's a different family.

4 Mar, 2018


Great info Lori thank you.

4 Mar, 2018


YW, Dawn :-)

4 Mar, 2018

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