Bulbine frutescens
By Meanie
- 30 May, 2018
Comments on this photo
They're fast growers.
31 May, 2018
Yes, they do seem to have grown quite a bit.
31 May, 2018
the flower structure is fantastic!
6 Jun, 2018
Yes. They are small flowers but totally fascinating. This will bloom like beejayzuz from now until late autumn.
6 Jun, 2018
I've put a pot of 4 into the garden, but I don't think it'll flower this year, then I can uplift the pot and overwinter somewhere warmer.
10 Jun, 2018
Depending on the species they can bloom quite quickly.
17 Jun, 2018
I potted on all the seedlings into 3 larger pots, 2 are still in the conservatory and twice as large as the pot sunk into the ground.
18 Jun, 2018
I huess that it likes heat. That said mine grows like boogery!
19 Jun, 2018
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This photo is of species Bulbine frutescens.
This photo is of "Bulbine frutescens" in Meanie's garden
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Saw this in South Africa, loved it, bought a pkt seed in Uk, now got some seedlings emerging 6".
30 May, 2018