By Thrupennybit

2 Jul, 2018
Comments on this photo
Amy look in Homebase in the indoor plant section yet it say its hardy they were sitting in trays of water thats where I got this from. Thank you Amy ☺
3 Jul, 2018
3p the person I bought mine from grows them as a hobby he has hundreds he told me not to keep them in water saturated all the time but to just keep them damp which is what I'm doing .. time will tell if it's the correct treatment or not ..
5 Jul, 2018
Thank you Amy he must be right Amy as it says they are hardy and you would nt keep them in water with a frost now I think of it.
5 Jul, 2018
He keeps his outside all the year round 3p ... he splits his to make more plants I might try that at a later date ...
5 Jul, 2018
Does he put it in the ground Amy or leave in its pot . I ll try splitting mine to later as well if it works I can send it to you. I shall have to check how to split this one.
Thank you for letting me know he leaves his out side all year round.
6 Jul, 2018
He keeps them in their pots 3p he has several old sinks he stands them in ,in fact he has them in every available space around his garden where ever you look there's some more plants ...
9 Jul, 2018
I am surprised the frost does nit kill them in their pots but a great idea having them in a sink. lol that reminds me of a couple back in the early 70s their garden was full of Fuchsia s green house full even tgeir paving was covered he use to do car boots and sell them he also crossed bred them he had the biggest Fuchsia and never seen as big since.
10 Jul, 2018
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I just bought one this last weekend 3p at an open garden weekend ,mines a plain greeny colour not so pretty as yours :o)
3 Jul, 2018