The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

IMG 7369-Stream side...left to naturalize.


By Lori

IMG 7369-Stream side...left to naturalize.

monarda, joe pye (eupatorium), verbascum, rudbeckia and a very tall miscanthus...The lower stream has nearly dried up.. the smaller stream has been dry for weeks now. :-(

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A colourful mix you have there Lori.

11 Jul, 2018


Thanks Penny! I've been working to discourage the plants I don't want and give these an opportunity. The weed eater is a tremendous help with the tall grasses and asters. It's very dry and we were supposed to get rain last night..I think it was three drops! The poor trees and my veggie plot have no water now...the streams are both dry as bones.

14 Jul, 2018


That's a good idea Lori I hope it works same here Lori not a bit of rain now for ages my pond water level is going right down same as my water feature. Such sadness to watch trees die through lack of rain saying that I wish the trees over hanging my garden would die off neither look distressed but some of my plants do. I hoe you get enough rain to water your crops don't you use your dish water to water your crops as I am. Jug by jug lol

14 Jul, 2018


ahhh yes. When it's dry like this every drop counts. The only water use to escape my pails is the toilet! I even take a pail into the shower. Things are seriously dry now and local farmers are calling "crop failure". The mais is usually 5 or 6 ft. tall by now...and it's maybe three feet tall. Today and tomorrow are going to be scorchers! 35 to 40 degrees and still no rain in sight.

15 Jul, 2018

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