A tired fairy!
By Gillian

7 Aug, 2008
Just been drenched in a rainstorm so looking pretty rough for a fairy!
Comments on this photo
Had a very long drive home in the car!
7 Aug, 2008
Is this a bench? A garden seat? I think it would look fantastic in the garden.
7 Aug, 2008
Now Thats a Classic...........love it :)
7 Aug, 2008
exellent photo gillian
7 Aug, 2008
This is actually a seat near the butterfly pavilion at Science North in Sudbury, Ontario. I couldn't resist it!
I also have photos of me trying everything else in sight, including a bed of nails, but there wasn't really a garden connection with that!
7 Aug, 2008
get the photos on goy gillian its nice to see goy members in their every day life :-)
7 Aug, 2008
Ok Lyd, what's to come is all your fault! It's a rainy day and I'm at the computer......
7 Aug, 2008
Go on Gillian Go For It Girl lol :)
7 Aug, 2008
brilliant photos gillian id be glad to take blame for them. the gnome is an exellent idea, im pleased you enjoyed it.
9 Aug, 2008
I would love to have that bench in my butterfly garden.
15 Aug, 2008
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love your wings, where you able to fly home or had they become too wet from all the rain
7 Aug, 2008