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wild turkeys


By Lori

wild turkeys

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Oh Gosh they escaped Christmas dinner , do you catch and eat them Lori ?

6 Feb, 2019


I only recently learned about the wild Turkey in North America. I had no idea until I saw a history programme about the Pilgrim fathers. I think they said that Abraham Lincoln wanted the Turkey as the national bird..but they got the Golden Eagle i stead. Apologies if that’s nonsense. I must admit, I wasn’t paying attention in class!

6 Feb, 2019


Great capture Lori love how he fans his tail.

6 Feb, 2019


I prefer to watch them, Amy. :-) Never been much for wild meat. someone in the vicinity has a taste for them, apparently. A large hen was wounded by either a car or the landed in our field with spread wings...obviously dying. I phoned to see if there was someone who could rescue it...but when I went to check on it was gone...and some rather large human tracks told the tale.
It's the bald eagle, I think, Karen... not to be nit these birds are amazing though. I'll never forget the first time I saw one in flight... I thought it was a 747 from the shadow it cast! They are lighter in weight from the meat birds which are raised for our kitchens. Their feathers are beautiful and typically I got the wrong side of his display! They like to gather on the roads for their courtship displays. I discovered that my little dog likes to sample their droppings... blech... he was spewing blood from both ends and the trip to vet cost me a bundle. Turkeys are not welcome these days.

9 Feb, 2019


Eeeew...thats not great at all Lori. Poor doggy. Molly loves rabbit droppings. :(

9 Feb, 2019


Wow, super birds.

12 Feb, 2019


great to watch them trooping along, Siris. we had 28 in one flock last autumn, but I think the cold winter is thinning their numbers.
I hope Molly is OK, Karen. Rhy got so sick. I'm thankful that the snow keeps Ryot so close to the house so that he isn't able to sample the deer or the rabbits leavings... YUCK!

14 Feb, 2019

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