pesky squirrels
By Seaburngirl

5 Mar, 2019
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I noticed hardly any flowers on this hellebore and on investigation most have been cut off and spread around the garden. This one is 20 yards away from the plant.
Comments on this photo
Sorry I clicked like I thought it was the flower just coming into flower.
How awful I have a squirrel come into my garden but it has never touched mine only a bowl full of crocus some years back. Can't you put some chicken wire around it or lots of sticks. I have watched sticking plastic forks upside down around plants deters some animals.
5 Mar, 2019
Sbg, I wonder why Squirrels would do that?
5 Mar, 2019
Shirley tulip I thought it would be slugs or snails as they will chew off the heads and the wind has blew them around the garden.
5 Mar, 2019
I've no idea but this is the first year they have done this. I did cut down the clematis and climbing rose near them and they might have protected them before.
5 Mar, 2019
Shirley they don't need a reason in my garden they are taking off Camellia flowers and dropping them half chewed on the ground.
5 Mar, 2019
Oh no Brian, that's bloomin' annoying for you!
5 Mar, 2019
they haven't done that to me yet Brian. hope they don't.
6 Mar, 2019
Seaburngirl I know thorney roses over lapping fences deter cats so perhaps you cutting your climbing rosedown has made it easy access.
6 Mar, 2019
If the squirrel had hidden it better, might it have remained there and become a "surprise" next spring? I have squirrels who are actively helping me spread sunflowers and black walnut around the property! lol... 🐾😮🐾👍
9 Mar, 2019
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That is heart breaking Sbg.
5 Mar, 2019