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Blue Tit


By Darren8

Blue Tit

Put up a diy feeder

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Brilliant capture as they are so easy spooked more so than other birds I have found.

15 Mar, 2019


Thanks Thrup! I've never really tried snapping birds before so it took a few goes to get one that never seems to be still☺ I'm making another feeder for mealworms so hopefully they'll keep coming & I can set the camera closer once this bloody wind stops blasting.
How are you keeping?

15 Mar, 2019


You ve done great for first time capture you will find it very addictive I do but it's having a decent camera but like you say they are so quick going back and fore. I find the Blue tits Great tits love the coconut fat half balls and nigra seed as they go more for them than the meal worms I hang the coconut half balls on my little trees or peg them on the washing line perhaps its because I put the meal worms on the ground for the Robins Black Bird Thrushes who love the meal worms. I shall look forward to seeing more of your bird photos once that wind has gone.
I am keeping fine thank you for asking Darren.

15 Mar, 2019


Glad you're well! Nearly time for the clocks to change again.
I was thinking mealworms for the blue tits to take back to their chicks?

15 Mar, 2019


Yes going forward on 31st March I think more day light hours hate the switching back and fore and it also causes more heart attacks causing deaths too especially in spring..

Yes of course the chicks will love them do you soak them like most people do ?

15 Mar, 2019


31st is Mother's day too isn't it.
I haven't used them before but it seems a good idea to soak them as long as it doesn't cause mould or anything harmful

15 Mar, 2019


Yes it is Mother's Day too.😊

I throw them on the ground dry but I know a lot of others soak them to re hydrate them not sure what they put them on. With bird feeders or bird tables you have to continue to keep them clean in fear of spreading disease as I can no longer reach to do this hence why I throw them on the floor and hang the cocoanut half balls.

16 Mar, 2019


Given the usual weather in Manchester if I put them out dry they'll get a good soaking fairly soon!
Didn't think about cleaning them when I made them but a bit of soapy water in a sprayer should work

16 Mar, 2019


Once the birds spot them I doubt if they ll have time to get wet but yes the weather up there would rehydrate them.

Yes a soapy spray will fmdo same with nesting boxes a bird will only choose a clean one to make a nest in.

16 Mar, 2019


I've had some lovely birds this year and fairly close to me behind my kitchen window. I'll need to work out how to set up to get photos of them.

14 Apr, 2019


Fast shutter speeds Karen, 1/1000sec or thereabouts for the little, twitchy ones

15 Apr, 2019


Thanks Darren :)

15 Apr, 2019

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