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DSC 0536 2

DSC 0536 2

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Your garden always looks nice Penny!

21 Apr, 2019


Lol Stan it mostly is but not all the time my front garden the little bit I have looks a real mess. I was told by the council the shrubs the housing put in can not over lap the public foot path and if the spikey shrubs hurt any one I can get sued so I had them all dug out and had golden gravel put down then the bind weed and the church's leaves just smothered the gravel and I found it hard to rake them off the gravel so the gravel had to go as the stone where more on the path. I then had put in a lovely blue shrub and a hedge of Lavender and a Bridal wreath and barked the rest which the leaves kept getting caught in them along with the seeds growing in between from the church sycamore tree and like with the gravel I had all their leaves coming in my house each time I opened my door the wind would blow them in so those were dug out as I could nt get to the leaves to rake nor the seeds so I had again got my grandson to dig up them and clear it and laid grass now their leaves have killed all the grass and it's full of next doors weed seeds from when they cut their lawn all the dandelion s seeds in her lawn come over to mine when they mow it So now it can stay as it is a mess and their tree seeds can grow into thousands of trees right by my house as I can't get to them to get them out .

21 Apr, 2019


Keep fighting the fight Penny. Sounds like some kind of Home Owners Association. If we had that with my plants? They would hire a hit man to take me out...ha

28 Apr, 2019


Lol Stan that would nt surprise me how this world is becoming to hire a hit man with the up and coming oaps.

The government rules change this May some people will not get housing benefit also any new oap receiving housing benefit if they have some one younger living with them they won't get their pension the young person living with them has to support them or claim Universal Credit which works out less money. So if its a couple different ages they will looses over £100.00 to live off.

28 Apr, 2019

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