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Accidental Selfie-- and Siberian Iris Butter and Sugar


By Lori

Accidental Selfie-- and Siberian Iris Butter and Sugar

Comments on this photo and the beast? :)

27 Jun, 2019


it looks like something poised to take a bite! lol..

28 Jun, 2019


Ha ha ...Me and my shadow :o)

3 Jul, 2019


I saw a service post on the internet by a pro-photog. who explained how to get away from the "auto" setting. last installment he explained how to use the aperture settings to get the best exposure in brightly lit pictures or when trying to get details on white in a very bright setting... like the white houses on Santorini... I tried his instructions on this photo of the peonies and actually got the glow in the centre of the flowers! whooopie! this photo of Butter and Sugar Iris however is taken on auto... live and learn. 🤳

3 Jul, 2019


I'm afraid camera settings are lost on me Lori , I'm ashamed to say I'm a snap and go person ...

5 Jul, 2019


I take most of my pics on's just convenient. recently I've been frustrated trying to take good pics of white flowers...and by serendipity I saw a post on Fb about using the aperture to get detail in white-outs. just a coincidence! I'm enjoying playing with the settings again..but mostly this camera has frustrated me. thought I was moving this camera isn't half as good as my other one.

5 Jul, 2019

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