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Orange Glory

Orange Glory

Butterfly Weed: Asclepias Tuberosa

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Really vibrant, sunset colour Bathgate, I can imagine it’s a gorgeous flower!

29 Jun, 2019


any Monarchs yet?

29 Jun, 2019


Thank You Kate, it's one of my faves in my entire garden and it has a long extended bloom season.

Lori: Unless they are playing Hide & Seek, I haven't had any Monarchs this year at all. I even have a stand of Common Milk Weed, the Butterfly Weed, & Joe Pye Weed just for them. Not a nibble, no eggs, no caterpillars. Not only the Monarchs, but no butterflies at all of any kind. Hmmm - alarming! How about you? Anything up there in Ontario?

1 Jul, 2019


Hi BG... we've had a few yellow swallowtails, a couple of admirals but nary a monarch... it's been cool at night up until about a week maybe they're on their way just stalled to the south by all the hot weather they've been having. I'm a little worried too. not as many dragonflies either.

1 Jul, 2019


By now they would be quite ubiquitous and part of the landscape, but now they are noticeably absent, compared to years past.

1 Jul, 2019


that is a concern. I hope it is a cyclical thing... weather everywhere is so wonky... but I thought there was a movement in Mexico to protect the forest where they winter.

2 Jul, 2019


I hear different stories - how they've changed their flight pattern. Now they over winter along the Gulf of Mexico, in Florida & Southern California. So many stories.

3 Jul, 2019

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