Spirea 'Anthony Waterer'.....for Lori.Promised to show you when it flowered.
By Meadowland

2 Jul, 2019
One of my favourite shrubs ....flowers are a pink/red....not fond of extremely dry soils.
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we had a summer rain, yesterday! I went out in my shirtsleeves and enjoyed "singin' in the rain!" also strange because it was coming down in buckets but the sun was shining! I was trying to get a video of it...but by the time I had my camera out and set up...the rain had slackened.. very weird thing. my late seeds are jumping out of the soil. a second crop of kale and lettuce. I'm thankful I didn't have to trundle buckets of water around. hope it stays nice and warm for you.
6 Jul, 2019
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Yes! that's it. Thanks Meadowland! it's my fave too...but I lost it two winters ago, i think. still have the bumalda gold japonicus. I spit what I thought was a very well established shrub last summer ...the offshoot is doing very well in the front...while the main plant barely made it through the winter. will have to prune it judiciously and give it some winter security. i bought two bridal wreath plants and they are close to the front steps..where I planted the bumalda. It's really dry out there but because it's near the deck I see it regularly and can give it a drink if it needs it. Today is in the high 20's and tomorrow is supposed to be in the 30's C. i'm hoping summer has arrived.. did you see the ice storm that hit Mexico City? the weather is just scary.
3 Jul, 2019