slug eating a worm
By Irish

10 Aug, 2008
yukkkkkkk, sorry about the picture quality
Comments on this photo
horrible !
10 Aug, 2008
emmm i take it neither of ye want it as a pet so
10 Aug, 2008
Get the salt out ................then.............B..O..O..M lol
10 Aug, 2008
No thanks lol
10 Aug, 2008
No thanks give it to Kev lol
10 Aug, 2008
lol ye both said no very quickly, maybe you need to give it more thought b4 u say no
10 Aug, 2008
i dont want it give it to Jaque lol
10 Aug, 2008
EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww NNNnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo i dont want it :( give it 2 Blodyn lol :)
10 Aug, 2008
lmao god sake, someoneeeeeee must want it
10 Aug, 2008
Thank you all for the last hour ive not laughed so much in years.....Bless you all and goodnight.:)
10 Aug, 2008
I had a quick think and I still dont want it thank you very much lol
10 Aug, 2008
lol night night Kev and btw i googled snailtails and it seems that slugs do eat earthworms and also they will eat dead snails
10 Aug, 2008
fineeeeeeee so janette, dont say i didnt offer, in a huff now
10 Aug, 2008
What and the shells lol
10 Aug, 2008
MMMMMMmmmmm crunching Slugs lol , Do they have teeth then?:/
10 Aug, 2008
10 Aug, 2008
Oh Eileen sorry to send you into a huff but I still dont want that slug lol
10 Aug, 2008
lol im back,,,,,,,, aye they do have wee teeth but no they dont eat the shell
10 Aug, 2008
What they do with the shell then just throw it away Litter bugs lol
10 Aug, 2008
EEEEEEEEeeeeeewww im never touching another Slug ever now :/
10 Aug, 2008
no janette, dont be silly , they put the shells in your wheelie bin , you ever wonder why some weeks its really heavy lol
10 Aug, 2008
LOL Indeed Irish im sure they do lol Well i mite with gloves on :)
10 Aug, 2008
10 Aug, 2008
OMG thats why is so heavy lol
10 Aug, 2008
well now you know janette, sorry but someone had to tell you and i drew the short straw lol
10 Aug, 2008
10 Aug, 2008
ahem Joanie, you did promise you were gona tell janette, so what happened? lol
10 Aug, 2008
Tell her what !?!? Sorry Janette, Don't know what Irish means:-/
10 Aug, 2008
I accept no blame for anything, I'm innocent!!! Anyway it's late and it's bedtime for me, night night
10 Aug, 2008
I've given your offer of a pet more thought - all night long. The answer is still no. LOL
11 Aug, 2008
hope u slept well Joannie, i tossed and turned all night worrying about how janette had taken the news of the killer slug lol
11 Aug, 2008
ah well blodyn., least you gave it some serious thought lol
11 Aug, 2008
That slug just gave me further reason to dislike the slimey creature...Earth worms..rock! they are very beneficial and here is this pest that not only eats the plants but it eats the insects and worms that foster the plants.... get out the bran or the diatoms... punish with extreme prejudice!!!!
12 Aug, 2008
i did make enquiries Lori and was told that they only eat dead earthworms and other dead slugs
12 Aug, 2008
hmmmm... never mind!
13 Aug, 2008
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10 Aug, 2008