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Moose in the Garden

Moose in the Garden

Thought I'd share the common eater of all gardens, the moose. About 200 ft off this time, last year I bravely ran him of from my sweet peas. 1yr juvenile female.

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brilliant pic

11 Aug, 2008


We had a bull moose run past our tent when we were camping - I wouldn't tackle one of those, they're huge! I think you were brave to chase the female away!

11 Aug, 2008


Puts me neighbours cat problem in perspective.

11 Aug, 2008


to think im scared of squirrals! I wouldnt venture outside my back door if one of these was wandering around my garden.

11 Aug, 2008


I watch the ears. A little one year can be startled, I clapped my hands and jumped out off the porch. An adult may flatten the ears, then you should hide. Adult with babies, don't go out

12 Aug, 2008


Oh yes. I've had no trouble but they can stomp you right into the ground. From my farm days, I try to act nonchalant and talk to them and do my thing. They quickly forget about me.

16 Aug, 2008


They used to actually challange the car if they were on the road...quite scary! I have also come upon them peacefully wading & grazing at the edge of a lake & they paid me no attention at all (guardian angel working overtime, lol!).

29 Sep, 2008


Down in southern Alaska where the snow was deeper I was walking a trail dug six feet deep on both sides. Someone with dogs on the other end had trapped a moose between me and it. I just saw it thundering down the path at me out of nowhere. Enormous and all hooves. I leapt up the snow wall to get out of the way. They pay me no mind in the wild around the garden, and hope they never do. Most here are new yearling fresh kicked out on their own and not knowing any better.

29 Sep, 2008

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