Dune Grass Plugs
By Bathgate

11 Feb, 2020
Fire Island, NY Creating sand dunes starts with dune grass plugs. It keeps the sand on the beach and helps buffer against tidal & storm surges.
Comments on this photo
Looks like a machine was used to plant these.
12 Feb, 2020
It does doesn't it , lets hope it works !
12 Feb, 2020
We'll see what's left after the summer crowd leaves in September.
12 Feb, 2020
I wonder why they have been planted there may be to encourage wild life nesting ?
12 Feb, 2020
The Island has many places for wildlife that are inaccessible to human traffic. It's aesthetically pleasing to see the grass. You feel like you really went someplace - protects the houses from storm surges.
12 Feb, 2020
That is good to know Paul . I can never understand why they build homes so close to the sea with how the weather can turn here too. Here is an example recently here in the uk. Just click on the video further down on the link.
12 Feb, 2020
I always wondered about that too. I guess the enjoyment of living on the Island far surpasses the possibility of losing it. When you think about it - is any house ever really safe? The homes really take a beating. One Nor-easter can do major damage. Sometimes the whole island looses power altogether. Everything is extremely expensive. No cars allowed, you can't have a car - no gas stations or parking lots or garages. The ferry operates weekends only except for summer. Groceries, forget it have a surcharge because it all must be shipped in $1.5 million is on the low end. Some houses are over $10 million. Most are only summer homes for the rich and famous.
14 Feb, 2020
No house is safe like you say Paul after wwii my mums experience she use to say to us no good doing your house up especially a council house doing it up for some one else one bomb and the lot has gone go out and travel.
Yes we have 10 islands here plus Sark and Guernsey car free so that's great Fire Island is free of cars.
Yes its funny is nt it how the rich and famous who are the biggest polluters get these homes on these islands I think they should be banned from buying as these are the kind who push the prices up making it impossible for the local peoples kids to buy any thing .
Some years ago in Wales the Welsh people they use to burn down holiday homes the English people bought for holiday homes as it pushed prices that high their children could nt afford to live in their own areas.
14 Feb, 2020
They plant the grass here to stabilise the sand to prevent it being blown away and to help build up sand dunes ..
our cliffs are falling down at a remarkable rate one man at Hemsby is spending his saving to try to stop his house from falling into the sea ,his neighbours homes have gone and they have all left ,his home was 120 ft from the edge last year its now on the edge of the cliff ,he's hired bulldozers and all sorts of equipment to shore up the cliff with huge boulders of rock hoping to save his home , I can't see it being there much longer .. its sad he loves his home ...
14 Feb, 2020
Wow, that's awful Amy. Sounds like some places in California - houses going off the cliff. Here it's hurricanes, nor'easters, blizzards and tornadoes. 2 years ago, I was staying at my friend's house here on Fire Island and a tornado passed right over our house. It was absolutely terrifying! Where do you go? The whole house shook violently like crazy. We saw the tornado move over the Bay and become a water spout. They just drop out of the sky and you're in it - no time to prepare. They are gone just as fast, but leave a huge mess to clean up. You can still read about the 1938 Hurricane that literally picked up houses and carried them out to sea - with the people still inside. Over 600 people died that day. But most of the time it's a lovely place to be and those beaches - pictures don't do them justice. They are pristine. I would prefer a tornado over a bomb.
14 Feb, 2020
That's terrible Paul , you see pictures and videos but can't imagine being in the midst of something like that , I'll Google the 1938 event ..
14 Feb, 2020
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12 Feb, 2018
They do the same on our beaches Paul ,But I haven't seen it done in such regimental rows as this ...
12 Feb, 2020