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Clematis 'Guernsey Cream' - 2020


By Andrewr

Clematis 'Guernsey Cream' - 2020 (Clematis 'Guernsey Cream')

Clematis typically growing six to eight feel tall (but mine has got to ten feet and is due for a haircut this year). It prefers a position out of full sun to prevent the flowers from bleaching. These have a distinct green stripe down the middle of the petals which fades as they age

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What a spectacular plant, the flowers are beautiful. Extremely delicate. I could see the green strip near the outer edge of the petals. Perfect photo.

30 Apr, 2020


A beauty mine starts off cream then it goes white with a slight tinge of green mine is in late afternoon sun facing south.

1 May, 2020


3d - I have mine scrambling through a garrya, trained against an east-facing wall, so it only gets the sun in the early morning

1 May, 2020


I bet that looks great I shall have to remember its ok in an east direction if it ever needs to be moved thank you for that Andrew.😊

1 May, 2020

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This photo is of "Clematis 'Guernsey Cream'" in Andrewr's garden

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