The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Stripey tulips

Stripey tulips

I believe they caused a sensational reaction when first introduced. It is believed the marling or strips are due to a virus. Nothing changes?

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They are lovely though!

30 Apr, 2020


Thank you Karen. I have grown to love them. I was treasurer of the local flower show when we decided that many people would show if they were used to showing but the majority were a bit timid about the quality of their plants and dismissed entering as something best reserved for the "experts". The committee wanted to encourage gardeners to participate because there is a strong element of education in showing and sharing knowledge. It is also a great community builder, because it demolishes social boundaries. It is of no consequence whether you live in a tied house, a council house, a private rental or are a home owner, nor if you are a solicitor, a nurse, a labourer or a tractor driver, nor if you are under five or over 90, we are just gardeners. I was asked to find something we could give to each participant to ensure everyone was a winner. I found I could buy 50 good quality tulip bulbs for less than £10. Every exhibitor went home with 5 bulbs. The store could not supply enough of one variety so we had several different ones. This is what I won, they have been coming back for over 20 years. No I did not get placed the first time I entered but it was fun and I learned a lot.

1 May, 2020


That sounds like a really good plan to grow a gardening community!

1 May, 2020


Lovely markings, vivid and bright.

1 May, 2020


Thank you both. These are a Darwin tulip and do not need to be lifted.

2 May, 2020

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