German Empress rules me.
By Stan510

3 May, 2020
This was a 6" cutting three years ago..thin,flat. Its really grown very fast. So far it shows only one bloom period,but I find that as Epi's get older they can flush two or three times a summer..rare,but has happened.
Comments on this photo
Very exotic, looks very striking in colour and shape. Well done to you Stan for nurturing it.
4 May, 2020
It's a beauty. As I understand it,this is a species plant native to Colombia..but cultivated by the Aztecs in Mexico long ago. It also may be extinct in the wild...with only some plants that have naturalized. Where,they didnt say. Ironic,sad, if not in their native haunts.
6 May, 2020
That is sad and its a gorgeous plant Stan perhaps they dont care for their native plants like other countries dont I bet there is nt many native uk plants grown filling gardens here in the UK here are some of the UK natives .
6 May, 2020
Thank you Penney and Kate.
I found a reference that it can flower 2 or 3 times a season,sort of confirming what I thought. No guarantee. Never is!
6 May, 2020
Thanks for the info re. This lovely exotic, Stan. Really interesting history behind it.
6 May, 2020
Thats great Stan if it flowers a few times more for you .
6 May, 2020
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Wonderful display it must like your care . Its done well.
4 May, 2020