Podophyllum versipelle - 2020
By Andrewr

20 May, 2020
1 like
Perennial, typically growing one and a half to two feet tall, in moist soil in shade. The flowers are actually a deep red, but look black in this photo. 'Spotty Dotty' is a named form of this species
Comments on this photo
I must look under my leaves, to see if there are any flowers hiding there.
20 May, 2020
didn't realise the flowers hid. must look under mine then.
thanks for this.
23 May, 2020
Just been and looked . there is a bud yippee
23 May, 2020
My Podophyllum is hexandrum chinensis and is supposed to have mottled foliage and pink flowers, but is plain green with A white flower.
23 May, 2020
Pictures by AndrewR
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Gardening with friends since
20 Jan, 2014
Outstanding plant, lovely flower, color, format.
20 May, 2020