20200519 150228
By Thrupennybit

21 May, 2020
Comments on this photo
Lol Hywel I used reverse image like people do a selfie. 😊
22 May, 2020
You're very clever to do that. It sounds complicated to me :D
23 May, 2020
On phones now Hywel you just click on your camera then I just press a circle thats on the screen and it turns the camera around so you can see your self in view on the screen you then just press and click to take a photo of your self or a flower like this picture. It took ages for me to learn how to work these phones now.
23 May, 2020
Too complicated … I'm glad I haven't got one :O
I'm not very photogenic anyway lol
23 May, 2020
Lol they are for me to Hywel my grand sons teach me bit by bit . You must be good looking then only good looking people are not photogenic my mum always use to say .
I have a photo of my mum in 1924 in infant school in Penwynmaw Wales she recalled the photographer taking the photo then placing the film on the classroom window sill to develop how technology has changed. She always said paying for photos to be develeoped was a scam .
23 May, 2020
That's interesting, I've never heard of photos being developed like that ...
24 May, 2020
Great capture! Yes, I thought you may have lain down too! 😀
24 May, 2020
Neither had I Hywel then in my senior school a professional photographer came in to our class and went through the history of photography and he mentioned photos being developed on window sills.
24 May, 2020
Lol Kate no in that case I would get my daughter to take it if I was laying down I would never get back up again. Others on goy have used the same method.
24 May, 2020
Now I come to think of it I remember Beryl saying something about photos being developed on a windowsill. She used to work in a photographer's shop and then worked in the radiography department of a hospital where she developed the xray films.
25 May, 2020
Yes now days its called sun print paper years ago it was this.
Or salt paper was another which both develop with light not in a dark room.
Beryl had a great knowlege of photograohy then Hywel clever Beryl so pleased she worked developing the xrays not with xrays as my brother here use to repair the xray machines in our 2 nhs hospitals one was leaking for months before my brother repaired it no one knew except my brother years later taking early retirement he became very ill my mum thought he had radiation poisoning from it but he is still going at 78 and is well.
25 May, 2020
I'm sorry your brother became ill, it was quite possible it was caused by the machines. I'm glad he's all right now.
Beryl had to mix lots of chemicals that were used in developing photographs. She had to pour them into a tank from big jars. It was a dangerous thing to do but there was no protective clothing in those days ... health and safety hadn't been invented lol :D
26 May, 2020
Thank you Hywel he has been more lucky in health than us 6 girls he has only been ill the once 3 sisters plus my self have had or still have got cancer another sister is simular me with her back she can hardly walk the other sister had to have a heart ooeration this year we are all younger than my brother who recently broke his arm .
Yes we will never know what long term damage it does to us using chemicles like Beryl did or other jobs people have done not having health and safety back then .
I would imagine Beryl would of been wise enough to know what she was doing and protected her self if in doubt. In some areas health and safety has gone to far I recall watching one health and safety officer even his wife said he has become obsessed and goes over board.
I watched footage on you tube yesterday a doctor on about why he wont have vacines because he said DDT when that was legal caused polio every time it was used in other countries even though it was banned in other countries they would have an out brake of polio he then stated yet they still are putting thalidomide mercury and round up which is a weed killer in vacinations where is health and safety there.
26 May, 2020
We don't know what's going on do we :(
26 May, 2020
It says a lot when recently the whole of Africa has refused to have the Bill Gates Vacine I watched the meeting on you tube Then this link he dies go on a bit though .
We do have vacines from America mainly the swine flu and Avain flu and Bill Gates has his company are here in London in one of the big hospitals too.
Then this UK doctor who has 50 years behind him of being a doctor .
26 May, 2020
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You must have laid on the floor to take this ! lol x
22 May, 2020