The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Monkey Tail cactus.


By Stan510

Monkey Tail cactus. (Cleistocactus colademononis.)

Not only does it resemble a tail,its spines are soft,you can pet this thing.
It will pup and also grow more pendent. Fun for all ages!

Comments on this photo


Catch it quick, its trying to escape... What sort of place do they grow in the wild Stan?

25 May, 2020


Probably rocky,steep hillsides. Plenty of nooks and crannies for seeds to sprout I'm pretty sure they are not tree growers. It also would not be a desert dry climate...maybe seasonal dry period..but with plenty of rains to make the area on top of those cliffs lush green half the year or more.

26 May, 2020


Does look like it's on the move. Interesting.

26 May, 2020


Oh Stan, that's incredible and so unusual!

26 May, 2020


Its cute and unusual Stan I have never seen one . Ishall be looking iut fir one niw.

26 May, 2020


On youtube a woman in Scotland has a channel called "Deserts of Avalon". She has one of these with more long pups. One comment she got was that it looked like a Tarantula. It did!

29 May, 2020


Anybody heard from Andy/Delonix?..I pm'ed him. Nothing.

29 May, 2020


No I have nt seen him on for quite a while
Stan I was wondering my self where he has got to . Last year.he did tell me he would nt be on for a while because he would be busy with work but returned a bit later on here with his lovely photos. I hope he is well and ok.

30 May, 2020


Fantastic! I thought you had a little visitor sneaking in to one of your pots there! Looks amazing!

20 Jun, 2020

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Pictures by stan510
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This photo is of species Cleistocactus colademononis..

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