9873 Rhus Sumach
By Lori
- 10 Jul, 2020
wanted a fast growing short stature tree for the front. It's doing it's job shading the deck and cooling that hot spot.
Comments on this photo
lol... some think I'm crazy, Kate. Here, again, I planted seed! like the sweetpeas and the grape ivy, the sumach came from humble beginnings and has more than fulfilled my lack of expectations! It suckers wildly and if a constant pruning regimen hadn't been practiced the whole front would be a forest of sumach. I've just used the weedeater and the lawnmower to keep it to one tree. Will have to ignore a few basal shoots soon, as I think this tree has reached it maximum height and age. After a rain it smells lovely.
13 Jul, 2020
Jeez, looks fantastic, but, I can understand why you keep it week pruned and in order..saying that, it must be a difficult and hard job to undertake.
15 Jul, 2020
not really, Kate. the wood is soft and the branching so regular that it's not hard at all. I should see if I have a pic of the sumach groves near us... they look like a huge tufted pillow!
18 Jul, 2020
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It’s a pretty one too, pretty leaves and it’s a nice shape.
13 Jul, 2020