A wildflower
By Pam24

23 Jul, 2020
Gorgeous, couldn’t bear to pull it up.....anyone know what it is?
Comments on this photo
It is ragwort, a great pest to farmers as it is poisonous to cattle and horses. It is the host plant of the pretty little cinnabar moth so if you see black and yellow caterpillars perhaps leave the ragwort until the moths appear...
Put your gloves on before you pull it up. And look out for the young plants you will surely get next year - they appear in the lawn here sometimes.
23 Jul, 2020
Ah, thank you for the id, luckily I dont have any horses etc.
I shall watch out for the caterpillars :)
24 Jul, 2020
I know someone whose horse died because this was in the hay they fed it :(
24 Jul, 2020
Oh dear, that’s sad....
25 Jul, 2020
Yes, they didn't know it was there and couldn't understand why the horse had died, until a vet did a post mortem and found out.
25 Jul, 2020
I agree - too pretty to pull up!
23 Jul, 2020