Baby House Martin
By Paulaf

13 Aug, 2008
They are very sweet but very very messy, oh my poor windows!!
Comments on this photo
Sorry, I forgot to say what it was, believe it or not that is a baby House Martin popping it's head out of the nest, right over my front door, it was taken last year, this year I have two nest's and about twenty babies (help) next year is going to be a bit of a mess !!!
Are you Irish? I am from Tipperary......
13 Aug, 2008
oh wow , you will probably have double that amount next yr.
yep im from Dublin
13 Aug, 2008
Welcome to GOY. I just found this site by accident. Now I am addicted!
It is nice to see the little babies up close like that, but you're right, they leave such a mess.
We have a phoebe that returns every year to raise her family in a nest on my front porch. She has a fit when we go out to sit at night on the glider.
P.S. Thanks for adding me to your fav list. I'm honored.
13 Aug, 2008
Thank you Marguerite, they are sweet, Like Irish says it will be double next year, I may start charging rent!!!
Does anyone know when they actually stop building new nests, or do they all come back as one happy family again next year, and keep building?
Irish I live in the Uk, I got homesick when I saw your name, I am living here 10 years now, only came here for 6 months... and it wasn't raining so I stayed. lol
silly me !! it's pouring now
13 Aug, 2008
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what is that lol
13 Aug, 2008