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Catmint! summer 2021


By Lori

Catmint!  summer 2021

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In my garden it is a hiding place for slugs - I am wise to it now and check daily!

22 Aug, 2021


An abundance too! Gorgeous array of purple. I did have some gifted by Shirley - it has since disappeared…eaten I suspect!

6 Sep, 2021


I planted it a bit too close to my one and only surviving lavender plants and at first I thought it was a major boo-boo but they're both thriving and mingling. Haven't had a slug problem...maybe the proximity of the lavender is a factor? I have tender herbs that I must bring in before frost, (basil and rosemary), but the creeping thyme and oregano are very hardy and they've been spreading and are healthy along with the chives. I have garlic chives in a good supply this season... first time in many years. the garden was almost entirely herbs this year. Planted asparagus two years ago and it was supposed to be plentiful the second year but we had the coldest spring on record resulting in a less than plentiful crop of the only veg. didn't even try peas. sorry, I've strayed a little from the subject! lol.

18 Sep, 2021

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