By Blyco

6 Nov, 2007
Comments on this photo
Stunning tree! And obviously a good spot for it!
6 Nov, 2007
You've certainly found the right place for it. What sort of soil do you have? I acquired one of these plants in October and kept it outdoors in a pot over winter. Like you I've only just read it should be in a conservatory over winter. There seems to be new growth on it but its a bit spindly at the bottom. Do you feed it or anything?
27 May, 2008
Hi Swan1, It's planted on a raised South facing bed. The bed is built up with top soil excavated from a hole I dug for a pond, so there's about 3 feet of top soil. Each Spring I give the whole bed a top dressing of Growmore granules and home made compost (it has to go somewhere!) Since taking the above photo I've had to prune back the lower branches to give everything else a chance.
28 May, 2008
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I bought this tree 3 years ago because I liked the unusual colours, purple buds opening to blue/green foliage, which doesn't drop off in winter. As an added bonus it has masses of small yellow flowers through winter/spring. I only found out recently that it is supposed to be kept in a conservatory, as it will grow to 20ft+, you'd need to live at Kew! It has survived quite nicely outside in Birmingham, on a South facing raised bed along with other Mediteranian plants,
6 Nov, 2007