The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Stan510


A cloudforest plant.

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Well,that went through.
It's actually now called Roldana petasitis. One of the Mexican cloud forest daisy plants. Bee's love it.
I might have to follow up like this since I never know if the photo is going to post.

13 Feb, 2022


It's definitely a perfect one, Stan! Lovely flowers and if the bees love's a winner!
Good to see you've managed to upload. I do hope things resolve soon.

13 Feb, 2022


For the duration Kate,photos will say "test"..since writing down a whole description and seeing it not go through is aggravating.
I wish when they fix things? They add emojis. Funny way to make a point.

13 Feb, 2022


Stan, I agree with your comment about doing the description, tags, ect, then finding it wont go thro, so annoying! I have used "trial" then if it inserts, go back and add the other blurb, or if it wont load, just given up.

16 Feb, 2022


This was the last photo to post. I've tried everyday Siris since and I get the "Im sorry" declaration that GOT is having problems.

17 Feb, 2022

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