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Autumn with late sunshine through leaden skies

Autumn with late sunshine through leaden skies

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Karen, that's a lovely view to have any time of the year!

2 Nov, 2022



6 Nov, 2022


It really is. Thank you both. We have had 2 years of works at the frontof the house, in the farm across the road, while cables were laid for the windfarm offshore. But it’s finally coming to an end now, and my front view will be lovely again. Sadly they did cut down some Mature Ash trees, so of my ‘3 graces’ only one remains. But it’s in a good cause. The works have led to an increase in heavy traffic, so we will be so glad when it’s all gone. But this back view is lovely. We left to go south with a muddy field behind where potatoes were harvested. We came back 3 weeks later to a lovely green field of young Barley! Beautiful! Certainly cheers me up when the skies are so grey.

7 Nov, 2022


Karen, I am so disappointed at the amount of fields being given over to housing in our area, it's just development after development! We have actually considered moving elsewhere but I don't think I could start over somewhere new. Weather wise, I'm considering planting some rice as the garden will resemble a paddy field before long if this rain doesn't stop soon ... :o(

7 Nov, 2022

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