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Combo 6

Combo 6

Golden Marjoram (smells amazing btw) with Cotinus ‘Golden Spirit’ (never flowers, no idea why!)

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How old is the cotinus, Karen? Has it taken a while to get going? I like the colour and have golden form but it has done nothing growth-wise in 3 years. A real disappointment. What's your secret??

17 Aug, 2023


Lovely bright green ...

18 Aug, 2023


Ange, it’s been here for 10 years and it’s hardly grown until this year. It’s a very slow grower, which is actually quite good for where it is at the front of this border. I made the mistake of moving it and it sulked for a year after that but it has eventually come back to life. It’s a wonderful plant. Well worth the patience!

19 Aug, 2023

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