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Cabin and area

Cabin and area

Thought I'd show a little more whats around me.

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Beautiful Home u have Greenthumb :D

20 Aug, 2008


Thanks Jacque.

20 Aug, 2008


its so pretty there

20 Aug, 2008


What a lovely place to live. You are very lucky in that respect. Do you have neighbours close by? Why do you have those retaining beds, isnt the soil on the ground thick enough or is it because it freezes? And i was wondering where you get your water from, is there a well or a river or stream? I'm fascinated so I hope you dont mind that I am asking.
Lynne x

27 Aug, 2008


No worries Lynne, I have an unusual living situation. I have a house right on the other side of the trees behind the cabin and a house right on the other side of the driveway. We like to look like nowhere even in our neighborhoods We're all pretty independant and private. The rain run-off comes down the road and down my driveway and across in front of the steps. The pad is pretty hard, but those beds will keep things from moving and get a good rush of water when it rains. I collect rain water off the roof and bring it home with me from water sources in town and springs out of town. We have water delivery trucks here also for those that have a plumbed house but no well. I don't use enough water for that yet. Breakup moves alot of soil as well, thats when the ice finally breaks and flows away in spring. My ligularia will get a great start. :-)

28 Aug, 2008


Thats a completely different way of life to the one I lead lol. How do you cope with the drive into town for water when the snow is thick or the roads icy?
Lynne x

28 Aug, 2008


A foot of snow is a breeze round here, its like sand at -20 F. And icy roads are more in town, the cold dries them out except there where more cars pack thicker sheets. Lots of slow Road rush ends about two weeks after the first snows. Compared to the dark (16-20 hrs per day) and cold ( average -10 F) Slick roads we can take. :-) I love my indoor oasis and do melt snow now and then to keep things green.

29 Aug, 2008


OK, I'm coming over lol.
Lynne x

29 Aug, 2008



31 Aug, 2008


How idylic, reminds me of my childhood in Germany
shame about the short summer.........

1 Sep, 2008

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