Woke up this morning hoping all had calmed down but sadly not.
By Meadowland

8 Dec, 2024
As you can see from the photo we didn't get away Scott free.(Must look up the origin of that saying) Thankfully the lovely Ceramic pot and girl planter were unaffected. We decided to cancel the usual lake walk this morning, far too dangerous.All hands on to stabilise the fence panel and clear up the glass.
Comments on this photo
Oh Julia, such a shame to see this. Be careful clearing that broken mirror away. Michael just had another look around our garden and found a wooden bird box on the ground ... it could have been so much worse. Stay safe.
I too wondered about the saying 'Scot frre' so I looked it up!
The phrase "scot-free" is an adverb that means to avoid punishment or harm for something that deserves it:
"The court let her off scot-free".
"He got away with his crime scot-free".
What Does "Scot-Free" Mean?
The phrase originates from the Old Norse and Icelandic word skot, which means "tax" or "payment". In medieval England, scot was a tax levied on members of a town or village. Someone who didn't have to pay the tax was referred to as "scot-free". The word "scot" is believed to be of old Germanic origin and is related to the words "shot" and "shoot".
Every day's a school day! :o))
8 Dec, 2024
Ha ha...Dear Shirley I knew you would look it up...thank youx We probably did get away with not having to spend any money to repair it...I wont replace the mirror just stain the brown area .Rich strengthened the panel.
You mentioned the bird box...I've been wondering how the birds cope trying to shelter in these conditions.
I agree BB...many people so badly affected. Leaving your home must be awful .
8 Dec, 2024
Julia, you know me, I always have to find out things like that!
We have seen Goldfinches, Greenfinches and Bluetits clinging on to the feeders for dear life, swinging side to side in the wind. Poor things. I did read somewhere recently that small birds roost at the base of shrubs and hedges overnight, seems sensible.
8 Dec, 2024
Oh what a shame :( Will you get another mirror or something else ?
8 Dec, 2024
I am glad to see that beautiful pot undamaged Julia.
So far we are lucky on the south V. Island. It is calm and relatively warm but I do not expect to stay that for too long. We can get some bad winter periods here too.
Stay safe.
8 Dec, 2024
I wont Hywel...there is another one to the side of it...that is enough.
Klahanie I was so pleased the pot avoided being hit...just by chance really.
9 Dec, 2024
What a shame! Take care cleaning up all the glass. I suppose the positive view would be that at least it was only the mirror and the panel that were damaged.
8 Dec, 2024