i baught this small
By Noseypotter

1 Sep, 2008
its another fave.no weeds in my garden theres no room lol
Comments on this photo
i dont know its about 30" now and ive had it about 5 years starting in a pot.i thaught it was a cordaline but the more it grows the more it resembles a flax i love the colour.it doesnt like loads of water.
1 Sep, 2008
That's right - Flax - AKA Phorium. I love them!
21 Oct, 2008
me to great plants
used to be used for bow strings and sewing.
21 Oct, 2008
and to make rope I think?
22 Oct, 2008
get one leaf and have a tug of war with ya mate.bet you cant break it
22 Oct, 2008
Nah - I'm a right weed - I'd break first! I once divided up one of my phormiums - one of the hardest things I've ever done in the garden - it was SO TOUGH! Ended up taking a hacksaw to the rootstock - took me almost a full day and the plant wasn't even that big to begin with!
23 Oct, 2008
i got a big green one.it had bean dug up.hacked right back roots and leaves ,left in that hot summer on concrete for a couple weeks wating to be thrown away.like you say we had to get an axe in the end to get a bit of.but wo and behold it took strate away love it
23 Oct, 2008
good find....
25 Oct, 2008
my fave price lol
its amazing what people actualy call rubbish.a weed realy is a plant in the wrong place
27 Oct, 2008
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12 Feb, 2008
How tall will it get? I have a few of those, bought this year.
1 Sep, 2008