Beaded Spider
By Tasteyg

3 Sep, 2008
Comments on this photo
amazing , love them :D
4 Sep, 2008
Very Clever, I thought it was real at first..Duh :)
4 Sep, 2008
Thank you. I like how this one came out. He's a big one, about 3in in diameter.
He does almost look real in a plant, YDD.
I had seen similar creations online and wanted to make them myself.
4 Sep, 2008
Ooooh you make them yourself Tasteyg, There Brilliant, Clever you..
4 Sep, 2008
You have more talent in your little pinkie, than I have in my whole
7 Sep, 2008
I don't know about that, Flcrazy. Nice of you to say, but I'm sure you're full of talents. Maybe they are just undiscovered. Do you like to make anything?
8 Sep, 2008
I'm always messing with something, but nothing of this magnitude ! I started with drawing with charcoal, then painting sweatshirts, then making dried flower arrangements, to gardening, since then, I've never looked
8 Sep, 2008
Flcrazy, these are not all that complicated to make. They are just wire and beads. My friend makes these too. She does hers pretty quickly. I'm a little more... okay a lot more particular that everything is just so, therefore it takes me longer to make one. The body is on one wire (very fine) doubled over and then there are the 8 legs (4 wires wrapped around the middle). To close the "feet" I just bend the wire behind the last bead :) Viola! Sounds like you're content with gardening and photography. Just in case that ADCD kicks in though, lol!
8 Sep, 2008
These are really good Tasteyg.
8 Sep, 2008
Thanks Guybinn :)
9 Sep, 2008
Thanks so much for the info... it looks like it could be an interesting project for me in the winter months... Well.., if I don't spend all my extra cash on mail order I used to work with a lady who loved making beaded jewelry.She had an eight foot tall storage cabinet filled with beads,and all the extras needed to make necklaces and earrings. She would absolutely flip over these !
10 Sep, 2008
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wow brilliant
3 Sep, 2008