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Helenium autumnale 'Rotgold'

Helenium autumnale 'Rotgold' (Helenium autumnale (American Sneezeweed))

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Oooh I love these. I'm eventually going to try and grow these for myself !

29 Nov, 2008


I like them too, but don't know what they are. Do you? They are a perennial and continue flowering if you deadhead.

30 Nov, 2008


Yes, it's called Helenium autumnale 'Rotgold' . They are so bright and colorful. I think this one is the prettiest cultivar of all the heleniums.

30 Nov, 2008


Yay! Thanks Flcrazy! I don't remember purchasing the plant, so I bet I started from seed at some point. Now I can title this photo!

1 Dec, 2008

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