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Ascocenda Anan. Gold (possibly)- Orchid


By Tasteyg

 Ascocenda Anan. Gold (possibly)- Orchid

County Fair.
Jeff liked this one, he said that they looked like they had smiley faces :)

The Combination of ascocentrums with vandas did not occur until 1950s.

Two ascocentrums are mainly used in the parentage. One Ascocentrum miniatum and ascocentru curvifolium crossed with vanda Rothschildiana as welll as vandas like Vanda Gertrude Myamoto , Vanda Manilla, Vanda Sandriana etc.

The resulting Hybrid so named
The Combination of ascocentrums with vandas did not occur until 1950s.

Two ascocentrums are mainly used in the parentage. One Ascocentrum miniatum and ascocentru curvifolium crossed with vanda Rothschildiana as welll as vandas like Vanda Gertrude Myamoto , Vanda Manilla, Vanda Sandriana etc.

The resulting Hybrid so named ASCOCENDA.

There are many crosses of Asco cendas that are available to the avid collector. Although the ascocendas are smaller than Vanda Sandriana they contribute to the miniature section to the complex and increase the number of flowers on some ascocendas.

The light conditions are medium to shade and they thrive well when hung from top.

Watering: very similar to vandaceous. A total drench everyday once.

Fertigation : Growth feeding on a regular dosage of balanced slow release fertilser like 20:20:20 of 3 gms per liter.

Comments on this photo


How lovely!

15 Sep, 2008


It's a wonderful colour. Love to know its name.

16 Sep, 2008


Celandine- I'm sorry I didn't get the name. These orchids were locked up in a greenhouse at the County Fair, so I wasn't able to see all name tags. I just looked through pages and pages of "yellow orchids" online and didn't see anything like this one. The closest one they resemble is a Phalaenopsis, but not quite. Phal's have more oblong petals and these are more rounded. Maybe I'll post this pic on an Orchid site that I just joined and see if anyone recognizes it :) That site's not as friendly as GOY, we'll see :)

17 Sep, 2008


Hi Tasteyq, Hope you are able to find out. I am getting a taste for orchids
because the flowers last for so long.

17 Sep, 2008


I love orchids too, Celandine! I've been searching high and low and I found out what type of orchid this is.... It's a Vanda, not sure of the exact type though. I found a wonderful orchid site. You must check it out, you'll droll. Go here:
Enjoy :)

18 Sep, 2008


Celandie- I think that I found it here, 'Ascda. Anan Gold'
(scroll down to 3rd pic on link below) :
What do you think? Looks a lot like it, I think. Hard to tell for sure though, there are so many hybrids, unless you have the tag it's almost impossible to identify it for certain. Good luck, on your search for it :)

18 Sep, 2008


Gosh, what a marvellous range of colours. I looked at both the websites - in fact I couldn't stop looking at them. Certainly, the Anan gold looks very like your photo. Thankyou for the info, Tasteyq

18 Sep, 2008


Glad to help, Celandine :)

19 Sep, 2008

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