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To bed for winter4

To bed for winter4

All wrapped up. Should keep off more of the chill and let me get most of my herbs to return as well as other survivers that aren't expected. Still dreaming up something for the azalea bushes. There's my collection of grass mulch to finish putting them to bed! I'm having trouble saying goodnight!

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hi greenthunb
it must be realy hard to put them to bed so early. have you always lived in alaska?

30 Sep, 2008


I'm from Idaho originally Sandra. Small town at a high elevation in the rockies amidst much wilderness. Somewhat similar to here but the sun always rose and set for full days. I've moved from cow ranching to dog mushing country. I've been here for ten years.
This was really a bummer, but just on time, hard frosts within a week and now a blanket of snow. I just wrapped up the azalea bushes last night. We have a real lickity split autumn and spring. I do love it though it is a long journey to go anywhere else. I'll keep sharing indoor gardening to show how I get through the long dark.

1 Oct, 2008


i alway injoy my growing shed in the winter here. i love shutting myself in there in the cold weather and playing with all my indoor plants. we live 6 miles to the nearest shop and i think thats isolated...
do you do the dog mushing thing?

1 Oct, 2008


No mushing here, but what I call dog yards are everywhere and a common sound year round. 60-90 in most yards. I'm more a cross country skier. I have a large plant lamp as my sun year round and so I can keep those southern hemisphere and tropicals happy all year and enjoy the humidity and life of it through the dark. Sounds like you have a nice secluded spot. I'm actually in a neighborhood, we just tend to keep our trees, not lawns. :-)

1 Oct, 2008

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