The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Baby Oak


By Jacque

Baby Oak

This is Growing in my Long Grass Area of my Garden :) How great is that ? When its Dormant il pot it up ,I think a Squirrel iv seen @far end of my garden must of forgotten it last yr when he/she hid it 4 winter food :)

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from little acorns big oaks grow...

23 Sep, 2008


Yes i remember that saying Sandra , thats why im potting it up until i find agood home 4 it 2b planted in :)

24 Sep, 2008


You could try to bonsai it, Jacque.

3 Oct, 2008


OMG Xela what a fantastic idea :D iv always wanted a Bonsai Tree :) iv got a little dish just for the Job 2!

3 Oct, 2008


There you go then!
Be sure to post a photo when you have planted it up.

3 Oct, 2008

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