centibeast he lives
By Noseypotter

25 Sep, 2008
well not realy but its comming along well better than i imagined it would.anyway pictures speak louder than words hope you enjoy bye for now
Comments on this photo
thanx i love it
25 Sep, 2008
He's an Ugly Begga NP, Great job....I love his name Centibeast..
25 Sep, 2008
cool i thaught it was good dying to finish it
25 Sep, 2008
I am looking at Centi and asking, what emotion is he depicting..to me he looks as if he desperatley wants to get a -point across or is perhaps just warning other centi's that this is his territory...very interesting..so glad you are on this list so I get a chance to see your work. ~Cj
1 Oct, 2008
hes saying rent a paintball gun or your doom is sealed lol
glad you like my stuff cj www.noseypotter.com
2 Oct, 2008
I have never played paintball but am very good at throwing horse droppings with a pitch fork, hope Centi knows how to duck and cover.
Have Pitch Fork Will Travel....~Cj
2 Oct, 2008
lol ow hes well hard he eats horse crap for breakfast with a couple of squaddies
2 Oct, 2008
HE 'does' not ....I have never met a Centi yet that doesn't tremble at the very idea of it..he is tryin to blow smoke up my skirt...! I am not easy to bluff...!!!! And his squaddies can take a hike...now I am baring my teeth...grrrrrr...and flailing my pitch fork about. I shall practice this very evening at loading and catapulting horse crap as far as I can! He had better change his tune soon....or else.
2 Oct, 2008
no chance lol
bring it
i cant weight to stain it and put a realy shiny sealer on it.im gonna colour it like the biggest centipede on the planet.12" eats snakes,rodents,infact anything that is not as quick as it.it will be bright orange and different shades of brown with a few white teeth etc.its deffinatly the maddest tree seat ive ever seen lol.i must be mad.if i am is that actualy a bad thing.i just think im different lol.
2 Oct, 2008
I cannot wait to see it all bright and with mad colors...with his white teeth..they will look like they are glowing...the snakes and rodents will know he is on the way when they see those teeth! YES...you are mad...but I like that in a person...makes you BIGGER than life. and no you are not different, because we are all different and so you are not different....that does not EVEN make sense...does it? :) ~Cj
2 Oct, 2008
no not realy just what i was thinking
3 Oct, 2008
LOL...Love your work NP..so glad you get to use your gift the way you do...and that you share it with all of us.
3 Oct, 2008
i am passionate about it.i wasted my talent till 1993 .so foolish on retrospect. i have always loved animals/nature art on and of,a bit of pottery and even a bit of labouring but its all come together now.ive found myself artisticly and i love sharing my work or maybe im just a big head .i dont feal like one but hay ho.its lucky i get to cement etc as my backs knackerd and my walking stick goes everywear with me.im the kind of persen if i want something done i will do it one way or another.theres more than one way to skin a cat lol
3 Oct, 2008
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Well Done NP looking Fab :)
25 Sep, 2008