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Close-up of tree in front of apt building.


By Raquel

Close-up of tree in front of apt building.

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OMG Raquel this storm must have been a total nightmare

27 Sep, 2008


Sorry Raquel wont give this a like as sure you didnt! The sound of this must have been deafening.

27 Sep, 2008


Yes, it was Janette, even though we kept hearing it was 'only' a category 2 hurricane, later analysts said the winds were the winds of a category 3 or 4.

That's the strange thing, Bonkersbon, you know I couldn't hear much during the storm, only what sounded like muffled crashes, and the rattling of the windows...of course I was in the bathroom, where I spent the night, as it is the only room that has no windows at all, and I had the radio on so I think all that muffled the sound of the trees...once I felt strong enough to go out and explore late Saturday, I was stunned to see so much damage and that's when it hit me just how strong this storm was. Thankfully though this is an old building, built in 1968, I think, the windows held and did not break.

27 Sep, 2008


An old building 1968 ? Good grief what does that make me? Glad you held out these climatic changes getting more intense and frequent. We just seem to be getting more and more rain.

27 Sep, 2008


Wow, Raquel. A night locked in the bathroom listening sounds pretty frightening to me. Glad your apartment came through all right, even with tree like this crashing down around you.!

28 Sep, 2008


Oh no Bonkersbon, didn't mean to imply anything about your age! It's just structurally speaking it's not the newest construction...mmm better quit while I'm ahead! I think storms are more intense and frequent, you know I read someplace that for the first time ever the ice at the pole would disappear completely during the summer and I wonder if that's causing all the rain...?

Thanks Greenthumb! It was scary but thankfully I wasn't impacted directly. =)

1 Oct, 2008


Up here by the pole, there are obviious changes happening, and no ice means warmer oceans and that means new climate patterns. Every old timer you meet remembers when it used to be cold and how that tiny glacier once covered the whole valley. Thats one generation!

1 Oct, 2008


I know, I've heard about it, and about the polar bears and how they sometimes drown...I'm a total nerd and when I was in DC visiting family went to the Museum of Natural History and they had an exhibit on climate change...fascinating and scary, they had satellite pictures through the decades showing how much smaller the ice sheets have gotten...

4 Oct, 2008


Thanks was the first hurricane I truly experienced, so it was a bit scary for me...but you're right, the flowers now are doing beautifully!

15 Oct, 2008

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