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By Amy


anyone for a game ?

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looks like you have some good ones there Amy

2 Oct, 2008


I love the basket their in Amy :)

2 Oct, 2008


Just sums up Autumn this photo - lovely.

2 Oct, 2008


Is there anything that can be done to keep them shiny?
We've got quite a few but they darken quite quickly.

2 Oct, 2008


We used to play conkers in shool but I believe they're not alowed to do so now.

3 Oct, 2008


maybe you could put a clear varnish on them Arlene

3 Oct, 2008


Hi Eileen
I think we tried that but they eventually shrivel.
Do you remember acrylic embedding kits-wonder if you can still get them?
I will have a look on ebay!

3 Oct, 2008


dont know those kits Arlene, but aye E.bay would be a good place to look for them

3 Oct, 2008


Kids are not allowed to be kids today , bet they still play it when they get home Hywel !

3 Oct, 2008


I have a bigger old Basket Jacque , but it,s has a big hole in the bottom , i will have to think of a way to mend it .:0)

3 Oct, 2008


had a quick look but no joy-used to be able to buy resin kit with small moulds in which you could put flowers etc and it would set hard leaving you with small clear paperweight-talking a long time ago mind!
will keep looking

3 Oct, 2008


Nice picture Amy. See your Salvia Patens are having another show? Ours are too. Re. playing conkers at school, Hywel. Health and Safety strike again!!

5 Oct, 2008


maybe an arts and crafts shop would have these kits Arlene

5 Oct, 2008


The Salvia Patens ( Cambridge Blue ) Have flowered all summer M Tree .
i,m really pleased with them , I have taken lots of cuttings for next year , they don,t always survive a bad frost !

5 Oct, 2008


I think if you soak them in vinegar it hardens them. I think it's terrible all the stuff they stop kids doing at school nowadays, talk about overprotective. So what if you get your knuckles hit by a conker?! Toughens you up!

15 Oct, 2008

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This photo is of "Conkers" in Amy's garden

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