an evil water feacture
By Noseypotter

3 Oct, 2008
just need some lights in the eyes a couple of hands,chains some water and fog machine out the mouth with a nice climber round least it will keep the burglers away especily if the lights were rigged to an led lol
Comments on this photo
it would be cool its a friends glad you hate it lol
3 Oct, 2008
It looks really evil. lol It would suit Halloween
3 Oct, 2008
hell yes BOO lol
4 Oct, 2008
That thing is nasty wicked can keep that one...yikes!
6 Oct, 2008
ow its only clay lol
6 Oct, 2008
scary clay...!
10 Oct, 2008
11 Oct, 2008
you had pms when you made it? you are confusing me something awful NP.
11 Oct, 2008
p%$£ed my self laughing that means sorry lol
11 Oct, 2008
LOL...OH! LOL...ok...
12 Oct, 2008
Oh Catfinch - x-D
21 Oct, 2008
Hahahaha Catfinch you made me giggle :))))))
21 Oct, 2008
Catfinch ?
21 Oct, 2008
Yep...welcome to my world.....
22 Oct, 2008
23 Oct, 2008
P.M.S. That's Pure Mindless Stupidity is it not? lol I like this even if you do not duty it up. It has a SCREAM look to it with large teeth.
17 Dec, 2008
and a future water feacture down the tongue with led`sin the eyes.what do you mean duty up ?
17 Dec, 2008
ah adding accessories, extras, features, more stuff, do dads, bells and whistles, additions etc...
17 Dec, 2008
17 Dec, 2008
I have some African masks (lived there in the 70's for 4 and half years) the shape reminds me of them. i have a wonderful head carved from a log and the face is in the middle with the log left natural round it, hard to describe will have to put a photo on my page.
11 Jan, 2009
id love 2 see it
11 Jan, 2009
hang on while i get my camera! will take pic today
11 Jan, 2009
cool thank you so much my email is
11 Jan, 2009
Np, just what films have you been watching, lol! Or should I say, what gives you the inspiration? Just asking, coz I love horror films, vampires, shapeshifter's etc. Well, mostly in books I confess! Trying to follow films without subtitles is pretty darn hard with my hearing loss, lol! Guess that's why I like action films......
2 May, 2009
me to and special effects brilliant.would love to do special effects.pottery will have to do lol
3 May, 2009
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29 Nov, 2008
Is it for you NP, Its horrible haha youlle have to show it when you do all the above, maybe for Haloween..
3 Oct, 2008