By Newfienurse

11 Oct, 2008
Beginnig to dig an area for a new flower bed..
Comments on this photo
I don't know skippy, I don't know...What a bunch of garbage I have found..I suppose with a house as old as mine you're bound to find junk.....I still find loads of rocks, too!
12 Oct, 2008
They used to bury rubbish i lived in an old Blacksmiths once and the garden was full of old beer bottles, clay pipes. broken plates etc.,
23 Oct, 2008
We may whinge about the rubbish collection service in our areas, but can you imagine what it was like before we had one !?!
Although, burying rubbish over the years has preserved many articles and thrown many a light on social history.
Keep digging, you never know, we might find treasure.
27 Oct, 2008
With all the junk I find, I hope so!
27 Oct, 2008
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1 Mar, 2008
I just looked at your other pictures and figured there was a starting point.....don't you sometimes wonder why anyone would bury all that stuff instead of just throwing it away? I haven't dug up any garbage in all my digging...just a lot of rocks....
12 Oct, 2008