The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

The old Cosmos bed now in its maturity.


By Telme8

The old Cosmos bed now in its maturity.

This bed is now backed with a large Bay tree, hosting a Rambling Rector rose, a smoke bush, Pampass grass for November! Queen Elizabeth rose fronted by Seedam for the Summer & Autumn and Black Iris (Snakes head iris), and Mouse plant for the Spring and Perenial Gladioli and Geranium Madarense for the Summer. Can you spot the Intruder? Birddock with its great big leaves, obviously planted by my Spanial Alys but I leave it there, as I love the leaf formation gives interest to the border. An extract from one of my Poems explains my love of the intruder:- Where grew the old and new alike,
And many weeds allowed to strike,
As long as they remain in place
And have a very pleasing face.
Then perhaps they will survive
And raise their heads unto the skies
Gardeners would likely shudder,
But I would swap it for no other.

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I like the poem.
Sometimes a self seeded plant knows exactly where to grow.

2 Nov, 2008


That poem says it all...I agree...thanks for sharing

2 Nov, 2008


I feel exactly the same way...sweet poem..nice..

2 Nov, 2008


Brilliant idea will think of that next time I have to weed near birdtables

3 Nov, 2008


Beautiful Telme8 I like the poem..thank you

13 Nov, 2008

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