Some New Plantings
By Jacque
- 7 Nov, 2008
Rosemary Behind Left Of Bird Bath,Purple Sage Top Right Of The Elephants Ears,Ivy & Perwinkle
Comments on this photo
My Little Febe Just loves to be around me outside ,My Summer was in house 2 day as her Cough is a little Worse so i dont like her outside4 to long whens its like that:/ these will be fine outside Skippy their Very Hardy :) I think the Purple Sage might Dye Back but itl grow again :)
7 Nov, 2008
Poor Summer ,I hope she,s better tomorrow :0)
7 Nov, 2008
Thanx for your Kind Words Amy , Summer will be fine she just needs the warmth of the Radiators this time of year being so Wet&Damp :/Shes on her Bed rite now fast a sleep & all snug :)
7 Nov, 2008
Sorry to hear Summer is feeling under the weather...
Seems like you will have lots to look forward to next year after all your hard work and planning, Jacque..Can't wait to see the pics...
9 Nov, 2008
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H-m-m-m-m-m! I see that Febe helps you outside as well as in the greenhouse.....those plants must do OK in the winter then...
7 Nov, 2008