Photinia 'Pallette' ????
By Sid
- 8 Nov, 2008
Closup of leaves now - showing a bit of variegation.
Comments on this photo
You have got me at it now , i,ve just sent my poor hubby out in the dark to fetch a couple of leaves to compare , no luck yet !
9 Nov, 2008
Thanks Amy! Has your husband returned in safety?!
9 Nov, 2008
I had to laugh at Amy sending her husband out into the night! I do hope it's not raining! Has he come back yet and what's the verdict, Amy?
9 Nov, 2008
I'm starting to get a bit worried about Amy's husband - we all know what happened to another member when he suddenly went out in to the garden...??!!
9 Nov, 2008
YIKES! I feel as if it's my fault! I don't know his name, so I can't yell for him to come back in....
9 Nov, 2008
It,s o.k ...LOL.......I should have reported back to you sooner , hubby came back safely if a bit wet ... The leaves that I was thinking of were not like yours , I,ve also been looking through a shrub book I cant find anything to match , I,ll have another look in the daylight tomorrow .
Nite ... Nite ...
PS his names Tony
9 Nov, 2008
Oh thanks for your help Amy - much appreciated!
Relieved to hear Tony returned home safely!!
10 Nov, 2008
Very! I hope he has dried out now.... LOL
10 Nov, 2008
Yes he,s fine thanks , although he did get another soaking today , he,s an Agronomist so was out in the fields collecting soil samples for me to test .
10 Nov, 2008
What's that - before I google it, please, Amy?
10 Nov, 2008
Do you mean Agronomist Spritz . it,s somebody that advises you about diseases within the crops you are growing , treatments etc . putting nutrients back into the soil .
I have a mini lab. to do the soil testing in .
We mainly do work for company,s like British Sugar , to prepare the fields for next years crops of sugar beet , also farmers .
We should be retired but theres always so much to do .
This might be our last year , we say that every year LOL
He,s also a consultant for a large seed company .
Hope this answers your question :0)
10 Nov, 2008
Thanks, Amy! That's my fact for the day learned.
I hope he's got thermals! LOL.
10 Nov, 2008
Interesting stuff Amy - I had wondered what an agronomist was - I had an inkling it was s'thing to do with soil testing, but I didn't know it also covered diseases etc.
11 Nov, 2008
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No - leaves are too long, Sid.
9 Nov, 2008